Spring KX011 Airsoft Gun Pistol

Spring KX011 Airsoft Gun PistolThe Spring KX011 pistol Airsoft gun has an FPS of 150. There are additional features that come included with the fun. There is a laser sight and a blue LED tactical light, to ensure a straight shot every time. There is also a silencer that can be installed and removed easily whenever necessary. ​It is a spring powered shot gun, so it does need to be cocked for each shot. However, it is a very easy gun to use and maintain. There is no gas or batteries to deal with and there are very few breakable parts either. It is very durable and sturdy to use.​

The spring KX011 airsoft pistol, with the FPS-150, laser light, tactical light and silencer Airsoft gun features:​

– A black finish on the entire body.
– The silver that can be attached and removed easily.
– The laser sight added.
– The LED tactical light is blue and bottom mounted.
– The FPS is 150.
– The magazine capacity is 13.
– It measures 13.5 inches in length with the silencer attached.

Pros of the Spring KX011 Airsoft Gun Pistol:

– It comes with the spring KX011 pistol Airsoft gun.
– The magazine is included.
– The silencer is included.
– The tactical comes with it.
– The laser light comes with it.
– A starter pack of 6 millimeter BBs are included.

Price range: $7.49 – $19.99

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