Classic Army SLR105 A1 AK74 Airsoft Gun

Classic Army SLR105 A1 AK74 Airsoft GunThe Classic Army AEG SLR105 A1 AK74 is a classic army AK replica rifle. It is very close to the real thing. ​It has a full metal body and all metal gears too. It is very durable and sturdy. There is a high capacity magazine and winding mechanism​ that makes consistent firing easier. ​Since it uses a battery for power, the gun shoots very quickly. It is a holding the trigger, point and shoot type gun. There is no pumping required at all, just point and shoot.​ The battery can only be charged for 4 hours initially and only 2 to 3 hours after that at a time. Charging anything more will over charge the battery. This can damage the battery in the end. The Classic Army SLR105 A1 AK74 airsoft gun also features:

– FPS of 420
– Magazine capacity of 300.

Pros of the Classic Army SLR105 A1 AK74 airsoft gun:

– It comes with the Classic Army Full Metal AK AEG Airsoft rifle.
– It can be used as a semi-automatic or fully automatic rifle.
– The hop up is adjustable.
– The body is full metal.

Cons of the Classic Army SLR105 A1 AK74 airsoft gun:​

– It does not come with a battery.
– It does not come with the battery charger.

Price range: $269.99 – $399.99

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